The Big Garden Birdwatch!

Tue, 03 Jan 2023    Archie, Black Labrador

This year The Big Garden Birdwatch takes place 27th-29th January, but you don't have to have a garden, you can go to your local park! Last year over 700,000 people took part, and it's not just for grown-ups, kids can join in too!

Help the experts find out what is happening with our wild bird population-find out more at

To encourage birds to visit your garden we have a wide range of feeders and the biggest selection of seeds, nuts and suet treats for miles around-and all at really LOW PRICES!

Next month during 14th-21sr February is National Nest Box Week, so get ready to clean out and repair any existing nest boxes or why not purchase a new one this year, we have 3 designs to chose from.